The LED T.H.E.S Body System


The LED T.H.E.S. Body system targets the following concerns:

-DRAINING (for fluid retention)

The LED T.H.E.S is the latest generation in body machinery. The device works with 3 technologies all doing different things:

1.) Red LED: is for regeneration and repair of tissue to stimulate collagen and elastin in the skin which gives you a firmer, tighter, more refined skin.

 2.) Thermo Stimulation: is all about heat, it is very heat generating. When it creates heat, it increasing your bodies natural metabolism that is increasing the energy for burning fat, draining excess fluid and eliminating cellulite

3.) Electro Stimulation: Electrical impulses that work within the tissue and within the muscle to tighten, lift, firm, tone and remodel muscles.

The LED T.H.E.S device is used simultaneously with the action of a cosmetic drone active ingredient to achieve a global remodelling effect for body treatments. The drone technology of the ingredient allows a more specific delivery to the desired area rather than flooding the entire area.

How does the LED T.H.E.S machine work?

Firstly we select the concentrate for your treatment based on your expressed concerns, we then select the program on the machine that will targert your conerns whether it is more about fat burning/cellulite/firming etc, then within the chosen program, the machine runs through 3 or 4 stages to target your concers.

Once we have selected your program, we prep the skin, massage in the concentrate and strap the pads onto your areas of concern. The treatment takes about 90 minutes including prep and strap in time.

How many areas can I treat at once?

The best thing about this machine is that we can treat multiple areas in the one session. We can treat 3-4 areas at a time ouf of the following:

-Bra Line.


-Love handles



Red LED is an ideal booster for fibroblast processes to increase collagen and elastin production, therefore reducing collagenases (enzymes that break the peptide bonds in collagen).

When applied to the skin, the light is capable of regaining a considerable amount of tensile strength which is lost with age and sun exposure and have a high penetration capability which makes them ideal to treat cellulite and obesity since they act by increasing the temperature of the fatty layer of the subcutaneous tissues.

This kind of treatment is known as thermolipolysis which is the breakdown of fat cells or adipocytes.
Low and medium frequency currents have a direct effect on the muscle generating different types of muscle contractions.




What does it feel like?

What is the down time?

How many treatment do I need?

How often can I come?

how long does it take?



The machine uses large rectangular pads which we place onto the areas of concern before strapping you in comfortably with velcro straps. We have 6 pads to utilise meaning that we can treat up to 4 areas in one single session making this one of the most cost effective body treatments on the market. Prior to strapping you in, we cleanse and exfoliate the area/s and massage in the concentrate that suits your concern. The session goes for about 45 minutes once you are strapped in.

The feeling of the machine varies from client to client and some clients can get to a much higher setting than others and some days you’ll be at a higher setting than you were at a previous session. We always communicate throughout the treatment to make sure you’re at your most comfortable setting.


Book in an LED T.H.E.S consultation to learn more and see if you’re an eligible candidate.


-Drink 1 litre of water prior to your appointment and 1 litre of water after your appointment slowly through the day

-The skin may be red after the session and this redness may last a few minutes or a few hours depending on the sensitivity of the client’s skin.
The client may experience some stiffness and/or muscle fatigue in the days after the session too.
-No sugary or heavy carb rich foods for the following 48 hours to allow the process of drainage.
-You can come in as often as 3 times a week for LED T.H.E.S however the machine will still be effective if you come in weekly or even monthly and will compliment and active and healthy lifestyle to kickstart and boost your bodies systems.

We conduct a thorough consultation prior to treatments to assess whether you are a good candidate for the procedure, the consultation costs $30 and is redeemable when you commence your treatment/treatment package.
If you are not an eligible candidate for this service then you won’t be charged the $30.00 for a consultation.

To achieve the best results, we recommend a package of 6 coming in weekly and following the after care advice. For more extreme cases, we recommend to get a package of 12.




BUY 5, GET 6!


BUY 9, GET 12!


We can treat 3 – 4 areas in a single session


-Bra Line
-Love Handles