Ear/Nose Piercing
We offer ear and nose piercings using Blomdahl’s medical piercing technique. This is a hygienic and safe way to pierce because it uses a disposable cassette containing a sterile ear/nose piercing earring and backing where nothing is exposed to germs or bacteria.
When piercing both ear lobes, we do them simultaneously so it is over before you can blink and makes it perfect for children who may be nervous. All piercing clients will receive a lollipop.
We offer piercing for children in a patient, calm and caring nature. We allow extra time for children under 18 years of age so that they can get used to the environment and don’t feel rushed. We explain everything thoroughly including the process, the after care and tips and tricks on how to achieve their best and long lasting piercing. We always try to make it a happy and fun experience for chilren and always offer them a lollipop at the end.
We offer piercing for babies aged 0 – 2 years. We advise that two adults are present at a baby ear piercing booking and all baby ear piercing bookings must be made with our therapist, Kate. We offer emotional support to the adults as we go and try to make it as pleasant an experience as possible for the baby. We pierce both lobes and the same time so that it is over as quickly as possible. We offer after care advice and explain everything as we go.
Skin friendly jewelry in pure medical grade titanium and medical plastic developed in consultation with skin specialists. The Blomdahl Medical Piercing System is used to ensure there is no cross contamination.
We can order in Blomdahl jewelry upon request, to view their catalogue online, go to
Ear Piercing (both lobes) including jewellery
COST: $72
Ear Piercing (both lobes) including jewellery for BABIES aged 0 - 2 years
Ear Piercing (single lobe) including jewellery
COST: $36
Upper Ear Piercing (single piercing) including jewellery
COST: $36
Nose Piercing including jewellery
COST: $70